Lovely Events + Planning Is Live!
I truly can not believe I am writing a blog for my very own website. My mind is BLOWN. Not even sure who will be reading this, but if you are, it means that the Lovely launch is here!! I have been helping with events and weddings for some time now, but I’ve always been fearful to take the “leap” and go out on my own. I have made excuses for a while, even when people would look me in the eyes and tell me that I would make an awesome party planner. This is something I have dreamed about for a long time, but I have let an immense amount of fear hold me back for a VERY long time now.
So how did I get here and make Lovely Events + Planning a reality??
Well, my husband, Kyle, sat me down a couple of months after we got married and told me that he wanted me to pursue my dream of event planning. It was something I could not stop talking about. Kyle helped me to realize that event planning is something that I am truly passionate about and something that would bring me the joy that I truly deserve while using the gifts and talents that God has blessed me with. From that day on, he made sure I never looked back in pursuing my dream of being an event planner. I will say that there have been days in the journey of this startup process that I felt overwhelmed and the fear that held me back all this time started to creep up on me again. Yet despite the fear, words of encouragement from my friends and family gave me the confidence to pursue the call that God put on my heart many years ago.
Here is an overview of the startup journey:
The first thing I did was research everything I could for months. Once I knew the direction I wanted to take, I reached out to an awesomely talented friend of mine, Drake Boudreaux with Studio Bou! You can find all of his goodness here: Drake helped me bring the vision I had for Lovely to life while also pointing out things that I hadn’t even thought of. I really can not sing his praises enough!! He started by listening and really taking in everything going on in my brain. Then, he created 4 or 5 very different logos for me to choose from. When I think back, they each fell into different categories: one that I thought I wanted, ones that I thought embodied a “wedding planner,” and the one that truly captured who I am. Of course, if you know me, the one I picked was the one that was true to me and what Lovely Events + Planning is all about! That is all thanks to Drake, and it is such a great reminder that I do not have to fit a certain mold and to always stay true to myself!
From there, we got to work on the website and all the behind the scenes aspects that I won’t bore you with today. Just know that there is so much love and work that has gone into making Lovely Events + Planning come to life. I have worked very hard in making everything perfect for my future clients! This truly feels like my baby. I really do feel like this is my calling, and I have so much to offer those preparing for their next event. I can not wait to see where this journey goes, and I am so grateful you are here with me to help make this lovely dream come to life!!
Thanks for reading! I am so happy you are here as a part of my lovely journey..
Now, let’s get your event planned!!